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  Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Pricing List

The files below include the Georgia Maximum Allowable Cost (GMAC) and Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates (SSPR) which identifies the maximum reimbursement for each product. Products listed will be reimbursed at the GMAC or SSPR unless the prescriber receives prior approval for the brand name drug.


Including a product on the GMAC or SSPR list does not constitute automatic coverage for all recipients. For instance, Niacin and Vitamin B with C are covered only for patients with end stage renal disease.


For procedural questions, contact Catamaran Technical Assistance Help Desk at (866) 525-5826.


NOTE: This list is for the Medicaid program and is not the preferred drug list for the State Health Benefit Plan or the Board of Regents Health Plan pharmacy programs.

Obtaining the New Price for Previously Paid Claims

Please reverse and resubmit affected claims in order to be reimbursed at a higher pricing level. Reprocessed claim adjustments can be seen in upcoming remittance advices. For procedural questions, contact Catamaran Technical Assistance Help Desk at (866) 525-5826.


Please share this information with appropriate staff. If you are the corporate office of a chain pharmacy, please provide this information to each of your stores located in Georgia. If you have additional questions or concerns regarding this notification, please contact Pharmacy Services at (404) 656-4044.

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Pricing List (more than 150 available) List

Pricing List (more than 150 available)

 TitleFile TypeCategorySize (KB)Release Date 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 01.01.2025PDFGMAC LIST374001/01/2025 
GMAC List - 1Q2025 (Effective 01.01.2025)PDFGMAC LIST976.801/01/2025 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy RatesPDFGMAC LIST3739.210/01/2024 
GMAC List - 4Q2024 (Effective 10.1.2024)PDFGMAC LIST957.710/01/2024 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 07.01.2024PDFGMAC LIST3504.507/31/2024 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 04.01.2024PDFGMAC LIST3272.304/01/2024 
GMAC List - 2Q2024 (Effective 4.1.2024)PDFGMAC LIST690.204/01/2024 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 02.01.2024PDFGMAC LIST3279.202/01/2024 
GMAC List - 1Q2024 (Effective 1.1.2024)PDFGMAC LIST693.101/01/2024 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 10.01.2023PDFGMAC LIST3013.910/01/2023 
GMAC List - 4Q2023 (Effective 10.1.2023)PDFGMAC LIST685.210/01/2023 
GMAC List - 3Q2023 (Effective 7.1.2023)PDFGMAC LIST696.808/15/2023 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 07.01.2023PDFGMAC LIST2532.308/04/2023 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 04.01.2023PDFGMAC LIST2545.104/01/2023 
GMAC List - 2Q2023 (Effective 4.1.2023)PDFGMAC LIST697.104/01/2023 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 02.01.2023PDFGMAC LIST1423.101/01/2023 
GMAC List - 1Q2023 (Effective 01.01.2023)PDFGMAC LIST469.201/01/2023 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 10.01.2022PDFGMAC LIST1400.210/01/2022 
GMAC List - 4Q2022 (Effective 10.01.2022)PDFGMAC LIST471.810/01/2022 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 08.05.2022PDFGMAC LIST1407.208/05/2022 
Georgia Estimated Acquisition Cost & Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 07.19.2022PDFGMAC LIST1432.307/01/2022 
GMAC List - 3Q2022 (Effective 07.01.2022)PDFGMAC LIST483.107/01/2022 
GMAC List - 2Q2022 (Effective 04.01.2022)PDFGMAC LIST935.304/01/2022 
GMAC List - 1Q2022 (Effective 01.01.2022)PDFGMAC LIST925.301/01/2022 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 01.01.2022PDFSSPR3076.401/01/2022 
GMAC List - 4Q2021 (Effective 10.01.2021)PDFGMAC LIST926.710/01/2021 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 10.01.2021PDFSSPR2573.310/01/2021 
GMAC Additions - Effective 09.01.2021PDFGMAC ADDITIONS10.209/01/2021 
GMAC List - 3Q2021 (Effective 07.01.2021)PDFGMAC LIST922.407/01/2021 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 07.01.2021PDFSSPR2226.807/01/2021 
GMAC List - 2Q2021 (Effective 04.01.2021)PDFGMAC LIST922.304/01/2021 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 04.01.2021PDFSSPR204304/01/2021 
GMAC Suspensions - Effective 03.01.2021PDFGMAC LIST6.903/01/2021 
GMAC List - 1Q2021 (Effective 01.01.2021)PDFGMAC LIST912.101/01/2021 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 01.01.2021PDFSSPR2179.701/01/2021 
GMAC List - 4Q2020 (Effective 10.01.2020)PDFGMAC LIST927.510/01/2020 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 10.01.2020PDFSSPR1880.110/01/2020 
GMAC List - 3Q2020 (Effective 07.01.2020)PDFGMAC LIST92507/01/2020 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 07.01.2020PDFSSPR1754.607/01/2020 
GMAC Suspensions - Effective 04.10.2020PDFGMAC LIST6.904/10/2020 
GMAC List - 2Q2020 (Effective 04.01.2020)PDFGMAC LIST598.504/01/2020 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 04.01.2020PDFSSPR1647.104/01/2020 
GMAC Suspensions - Effective 01.13.20PDFGMAC SUSPENSIONS701/21/2020 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - revised 01.01.20PDFSSPR2279.301/21/2020 
GMAC List - 1Q2020 (Effective 01.01.2020)PDFGMAC LIST614.101/01/2020 
GMAC List - 4Q2019 (Effective 10.01.19)PDFGMAC LIST593.210/01/2019 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 10/01/2019PDFSSPR2355.510/01/2019 
GMAC List - 3Q2019 (Effective 07.01.19)PDFGMAC LIST615.407/01/2019 
Select Specialty Pharmacy Rates - Revised 07/01/19.PDFSSPR2052.907/01/2019 
GMAC List - 2Q2019 (Effective 04.01.19)PDFGMAC LIST617.204/01/2019 
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